Group Therapy

It takes a community to help a patient heal, rehab, learn and recover from addiction. A supportive, compassionate team of individuals who understand the skills and work ethic required to recover and who have even walked a similar path can be essential for a better future. Fellow patients can be a tremendous resource through group therapy and a robust alum program. Find out how group therapy programs at Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center can help you during your recovery. Call us at 781.587.3636 today.Patients sit in circle and bare their souls during group therapy session

What Is Group Therapy?

Group therapy allows patients to receive the vital support needed during addiction treatment. Attending therapy sessions with others who are facing similar struggles offers you a unique, positive opportunity to be inside a safe space which can be beneficial in not only helping you cope with a substance use disorder and teach you new skills for enjoying a lifelong recovery.

As you wonder, “what is group therapy?”, know that these group counseling sessions are a time for you to share your feelings, experiences, successes, and struggles with other patients who are walking a similar journey toward overcoming an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or prescription medications. A compassionate, friendly therapist will facilitate group therapy. The groups can be as small as three patients, but group therapy usually consists of anywhere between 8 to 12 people. The bonds you will make within the group during treatment can be essential in preventing relapse once individuals return home. And a strong alum program will continue to offer crucial support for you as you live a life free of drugs and alcohol in recovery. 

Typically, group therapy will occur in a room with chairs arranged in a circle. This allows everyone to see and speak to each other during the sessions. You will be encouraged to introduce yourself, share your journey and why you are in group therapy, be vulnerable knowing you are in a safe and supportive environment, talk about experiences and update the group on progress and struggles since the last meeting.

What Are The Benefits of Group Therapy?

Have you searched the web for “group therapy near me,” looking for a light in the darkness? The programs at Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center and our support team are here for you. Our group therapy offers many benefits to help you heal and recover from addiction and address any underlying issues through proven practices and evidence-based therapies.

During group therapy sessions, you will be interacting with like-minded patients in a safe place, holding each other accountable and sharing personal stories in a supportive setting. In doing so, group therapy can help you develop coping mechanisms, teach life skills, and offer several other benefits, including:

  • Reduce the risk of relapse
  • Develop strategies for self-care 
  • Improve your coping skills
  • Boost self-esteem
  • Reduce stress
  • Teach empathy
  • Improve your well-being and decrease shame
  • Foster a sense of purpose and belonging

It can be empowering to safely share with other patients who are going through similar things in life. Being vulnerable and telling your story out loud is an essential part of the recovery process. When you realize that others are working to overcome similar addictions and disorders, you will open up, listen to new ideas and receive the social interaction that humans crave. All of this will go a long way to preventing relapse.

The Types of Group Therapy

There are many different types of group therapy. Each approach, usage, and effectiveness will vary based largely on the addiction and mental health disorders you are suffering from and looking to overcome. The most common types of group therapy are:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

CBT is based on the core principles that psychological problems are based on: 

  • Unhelpful ways of thinking
  • Learned patterns of behavior
  • A belief that people can learn better ways of coping with those thoughts and patterns
  • Relieving a person’s symptoms

Interpersonal Groups

This type of group therapy will focus on your interpersonal relationships and social interactions. During the sessions, you will be encouraged to discuss and receive feedback on how much support you have from other people and the impact these relationships have on your mental health and addiction.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy will attempt to treat you as a whole person and address addiction as well as the underlying reasons why you misuse drugs or alcohol. DBT focuses on mindfulness, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation to help patients heal and recover. Dialectical behavior group therapy works for those working to overcome their addiction.

Recovery at Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center

Group therapy can help you understand yourself and your addiction better. You can learn from others fighting a similar battle and eventually instill in you the skills to regain control over your life, relationships, and emotions. Reach out to Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center today at 781.587.3636 to learn more about how group therapy can be a part of your recovery.