Have you ever wondered, “What does HDT stand for”? You’re not alone. It’s a common question for those searching for supportive addiction treatment. An HDT is a half-day treatment program where patients receive a structured treatment plan. HDTs are structured to allow patients to focus on their everyday lives while still working hard on their rehab and recovery path. In HDT, you will have a compassionate, friendly team of professionals caring for you daily. Reach out to Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center online today or call 855-795-1226 to learn how our HDT and full-day treatment program (FDT) can help you overcome addiction, heal, and experience a full recovery.
What Does HDT Stand For?
A half-day treatment program (also known as HDT) is a method of treating addiction that, after a medical assessment, may be recommended to you or your loved one in cases of severe substance abuse and drug addiction. This program may also be recommended for guests who do not need a medical detox. In HDT, patients receive compassionate and supportive help with their treatment and recovery from addiction by continuing with prescribed individual and group therapies, including:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Dialectic behavioral therapy
- Trauma-informed therapy
- Motivational interviewing
- Anger and stress management
- Expressive art therapy
One of the most significant benefits of half-day treatment is that you will be able to use everything you learn during your therapy sessions immediately in real-world scenarios, but this is just one of the reasons it’s essential to understand what is HDT and why it’s popular and successful for treating addiction.
The Benefits of HDT
The first step in any recovery is acknowledging that you are struggling with an addiction and a dependency on:
- Alcohol
- Opiates
- Cocaine
- Heroin
- Painkillers
- Other substances
A half-day treatment program is one way you can accomplish your goal of living a clean and sober life while still physically living at home and sleeping in your bed during your addiction treatment. While there are significant positives to inpatient treatment, including our full-day program, not everyone requires that level of care. The HDT at Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center delivers quality, compassionate, and friendly care proven to usher in a successful recovery while allowing patients to continue living a regular everyday life at home, work, and school.
Here are three benefits of an HDT:
Live Your Everyday Life
At Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center, we give you the flexibility to continue going to school and work to support your family while recovering from your addiction at the same time. What does HDT stand for, you wonder? It stands for a half-day treatment program, but it also stands as one of the best ways to learn important life lessons through a myriad of supportive therapies and recover from addiction while continuing to live your everyday life. Many patients in our program have young children who require supervision and care, while others may have a partner who works full-time. A half-day treatment program offers those patients the freedom and flexibility to live their lives every single day while getting the professional, caring, and friendly intense treatment they need and deserve to recover from addiction.
Additionally, within this program, you will not need to take a leave of absence from work or miss any classes at school. A half-day treatment offers the flexibility to maintain a work or school schedule.
Lower Cost
Some patients need FDT care, but for others, half-day programs provide similar addiction treatment at a more affordable cost. The cost of half-day treatment care is, generally speaking, less expensive than inpatient treatment, and the cost is often the primary reason guests choose outpatient programs like our HDT. Many who need intensive treatment for a drug or alcohol use disorder cannot afford inpatient rehab, but an HDT tends to be more reasonably priced, allowing more patients to get and stay clean.
One of the hurdles in addiction recovery is the fear, embarrassment, and shame some people feel in seeking the help they know they need. In our program, patients are treated with compassion by friendly, professional staff who are committed to privacy and discretion, in large part because many of them have walked a similar path toward recovery. The community and alums program we offer will be there for you to rely on in recovery and will help you find confidence and feel safe while going through treatment and recovering at your own pace.
Learn More at Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center
If you or someone you love is battling a drug or alcohol addiction, learn how Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center’s half-day program can be the first stop in reclaiming your life. Contact us using our secure online form or call us at 855-795-1226 today. We can help you achieve the life you deserve.