How Long Is HDT?

Are you interested in a half-day treatment program, also known as an HDT? Have you ever wondered, “What is half-day treatment?” or “How long is a half-day program?” If so, you’re not alone. It’s a common search when people are looking for addiction treatment.

HDT stands for “half-day treatment program.” It is where patients are cared for with a structured treatment plan that allows them to continue focusing on their lives. They typically can continue their responsibilities at work and home while working toward addiction recovery. How long an HDT is will depend on several factors. To find an HDT near you, reach out to Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center at 781.587.3636. Our HDT can help you overcome addiction, heal, and experience a full recovery.

What Is HDT?

A half-day program is a primary treatment plan that, after a medical assessment, may be recommended in cases of substance abuse and drug addiction. An HDT may also be recommended for patients who do not need a medically supervised detox, FDT, or inpatient care. In an HDT, you will receive help with your ongoing recovery journey by continuing with the group and individual therapies in a supportive setting.

One of the most significant benefits of an HDT, regardless of how long the program lasts in your case, is that you will be able to use everything you learn immediately in the real world, at home, in school and in social situations. This is one of the reasons half-day treatment programs are popular and successful. 

The Benefits of a Half-Day Treatment Program

As you search locally for an “HDT near me” and “how long is HDT,” it is important to recognize that the very first step in any addiction recovery is acknowledging that you have a substance use disorder and a dependency on:

  • Alcohol
  • Opioids
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Painkillers
  • Other substances

An HDT could be one way you can accomplish the goal of living a clean and sober life. During an HDT at Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center, you will be sleeping in your bed at home each night and continue to care for your family by being at home or work during the day. While there are significant positives to inpatient addiction treatment and an FDT, the reality is that not everyone requires that level of care. Half-day treatment programs, on the other hand, deliver quality addiction treatment to promote a successful and lifelong recovery and have you back at home each night to live a regular everyday life.

How Long Is HDT?

How long is an HDT? We understand how difficult it is to commit to a treatment program, especially when you aren’t sure what to expect. You will have a lot of questions running through your mind, like:

  • What will I talk about in group therapy sessions?
  • Will I still be able to go to work while recovering?
  • How long is HDT treatment?

HDT is a multi-staged plan of treatment. The length of time a patient will ultimately spend in an outpatient treatment program will depend on several factors, including whether or not: 

  • They are stepping down from a higher level of care (like FDT)
  • They are working or attending school during the day
  • They have underlying mental health concerns that need to be addressed

Patients begin with four days of treatment every week and eventually step down to three days a week, with the standard length of an HDT being upwards of 90 days in total. That said, your HDT will be customized to fit your specific needs. This is why it can be challenging to answer how long an HDT is. There are far too many variables for one boilerplate answer.

Generally speaking, HDT consists of about 12 hours of half-day treatment a week over three months. When it comes to understanding what HDT is, it is a place where you will learn the recovery skills necessary for long-term sobriety, all without losing the freedom to work, attend class at school, be with your family, and sleep at home. Regardless of how long the HDT treatment is, you’ll emerge from the half-day treatment experience ready to live a happier, healthier life.

Learn More at Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center

The time HDT takes depends largely on you, how far you’ve progressed and learned, how honest and vulnerable you’ll be during treatment, and how much hard work you’re willing to put into your recovery. The important thing to understand about HDT is that it will be designed around your unique situation and needs at work and home, so stop searching and contact us using our secure online form or call us confidentially at 781.587.3636 today to learn how we can and will play a pivotal role in your long-term recovery from addiction.
