Finding an Outpatient Program in Wakefield, MA

Outpatient care can serve as an excellent way to ease back into everyday life after other types of treatment. Just as rehab spends extensive time helping patients overcome habits, a steady transition back to everyday living is part of the recovery process. The window for relapse to occur is most often within a few months of finishing rehab, so Aftermath Addiction Treatment’s half-day treatment program exists to facilitate a return to normal life for those exiting a full-day treatment program.

What Is an Outpatient Program?

Half-day treatment programs (HDTs) are a way for patients to treat their addiction without committing to extensive, weeks-long stays. At Aftermath Addiction Treatment, we prioritized our HDT to be more than just a follow-up questionnaire. Our program is built on maintaining permanently instilled skills that attendees of our FDT would have obtained. Contact us today to learn about why the half-day program is just as important as the full-day treatment, and how you could stand to benefit from taking both for your substance abuse.

Is There a Half-Day Treatment Program Near Me?

There are nearly 15,000 drug rehab centers in the U.S., of which about 400 are in Massachusetts. Determining which is best suited for you is an important decision. If you’re in the Wakefield, Massachusetts area, Aftermath Addiction Treatment isn’t far away, and with our selection of therapies, we can accommodate all patients in need of treatment. No matter where you go, here are some questions you can ask yourself to determine which center is best for you.h

  1. Is an outpatient program right for me? – Outpatient programs are typically reserved for follow-ups to FDTs. If you haven’t undergone a full-day treatment program, it’s not recommended you pursue an HDT. In most cases, following full-day treatment with an HDT would be recommended.
  2. Is this HDT covered by insurance? – Call your provider and ask if Aftermath Addiction Treatment is in your network.
  3. Can I commit to this? –  It may be unfeasible to participate in the recommended 3-hour, 3-5 days a week schedule that our half-day program asks for. In such cases, we also provide virtual HDTs that can be accessed anywhere and with a more fluid schedule. Patients will have more freedom without sacrificing what makes an HDT work.

Outpatient care is less intense than the FDT, with sessions lasting around three hours a day. Full-day programs typically take up about 25 hours a week, whereas our HDTs can go anywhere from 9-15 hours weekly. During this time, therapists will check in with patients, ensuring that the skills they learned during the full-day treatment program are still on track following their departure from rehab. This guarantees that relapsing will not happen as easily as it tends to without post-rehab aftercare.

Get Back on Track With Aftermath Addiction Treatment

If you’ve completed the full-day treatment program with Aftermath Addiction Treatment or have completed rehab elsewhere and need a parachute back to normal life, then an outpatient program is likely the best course of action. Returning to a pre-rehab environment can be jarring, and former clients may be prone to relapse into old habits when introduced back into their usual habitat.

Our approach is one that balances relaxation with intensive treatment, combining multiple types of therapy to achieve a consistent level of success. We pair you with a therapist who will work with you individually as well as with other members of the community.

Aftermath Addiction Treatment, which is off of I-95, is here to answer your questions. Then, we will lead you to a secure, reliable treatment that suits your individual needs. Each member of our staff has a personal, vested interest in making sure each of our patients lands back on their feet. Contact us today and begin your journey back to living life.
