Finding a Men’s Addiction Treatment Center in Wakefield, MA

Two men in men's addiction treatment

Do you find yourself searching for the term, “men’s addiction treatment near me?” If you’re looking for treatment in Wakefield, MA, you don’t need to look far. There’s Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center.

Located in the North Shore region of Massachusetts, Wakefield is a vibrant town known for its beautiful landscapes and overall sense of community. Like a lot of small towns in Massachusetts, Wakefield has problems hidden behind its charms that aren’t going away. Like the rest of the country, Wakefield can’t escape the issue of substance abuse. For example, do you know that 50.7% of recent rehab admissions in Wakefield were due to heroin addiction? Or that 74.1% of those getting rehab in Wakefield were male?1

Like the rest of the country, men in Wakefield struggle with substance abuse. Fortunately, there are viable treatment options available right here.

Need to know more about a men’s addiction treatment program in MA? Call us today at 855-795-1226.

What is a Men’s Addiction Treatment Program?

A men’s addiction treatment program is designed to help adult males overcome their struggles with addiction. It encompasses a range of services, including but not limited to counseling, therapy, support groups, and medical services. Such a program can help men learn how to cope with their addiction in healthy ways and manage the symptoms of withdrawal. This type of program also helps men develop long-term recovery strategies that can be used for the rest of their lives.

At Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center, we understand the unique needs of men. Our program provides a safe, welcoming environment for male clients and encourages discussion about important subjects such as family dynamics and relapse prevention. We also offer individualized treatment plans that take into consideration each client’s personal goals, medical history, and life circumstances.

Types of Therapy and Services in Men’s Addiction Treatment

At Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center, we offer several types of therapies and services in our men’s addiction treatment program. These include individual therapy, group therapy, medication management, relapse prevention education, lifestyle counseling, and 12-step work.

Individual Therapy

During individual therapy sessions, clients are able to talk one-on-one with a therapist to explore their thoughts and feelings about their addiction. This type of therapy helps clients understand their triggers and develop new coping skills to help them make better decisions in the future.

Group Therapy

Group therapy sessions provide an opportunity for men to come together in a safe, supportive environment to discuss their shared experiences and support each other.

Medication Management

When appropriate, we can help clients find an appropriate medication to help them manage symptoms of withdrawal and reduce cravings for the substance.

Relapse Prevention Education

Relapse prevention education helps clients identify potential triggers and develop strategies to prevent relapse in the future.

Lifestyle Counseling

We provide lifestyle counseling to help clients make better decisions about nutrition, activity level, and life balancing.

12-Step Work

Twelve-step work is a form of treatment used to help clients find purpose in their lives and learn how to stay sober.

Unique Benefits of a Man’s Addiction Treatment Program

Men’s addiction treatment offers several benefits over general addiction treatment. For example, it provides a safe, judgment-free space for men to explore their feelings and can provide important support from peers who understand the specific challenges of male addiction. It also allows clients to work on issues such as masculinity and fatherhood that are unique to men. 

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction and could benefit from a men’s addiction treatment program, Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center can help. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Get the Men’s Rehab Help You Need Today

At Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center, we understand the unique needs of men and are dedicated to providing quality care. Our understanding and knowledgeable staff members are committed to helping you or your loved one find lasting recovery from addiction. Call us today at 855-795-1226 for more information about our treatment program in Wakefield, Massachusetts.
